Hi there! I’m Alexander Lapa.

I’m a Salesforce Architect & Advisor for nonprofits.

My mission is to help nonprofits leverage technology.

Instead of going out and planting trees to help the community, I leverage my skills to amplify the missions of multiple nonprofits.

I also coach Salesforce consultants, host a podcast, and built a Salesforce app.

The best way to know how I can help you is to see what resonates with you the most from the list below.

If you’re a Salesforce consultant

  • Checkout my daily mailing list The “Good Enough” Consultant
  • It’s where I take 20+ years of CRM experience and boil it down to a singular topic everyday
  • It’s designed to help you be a better consultant
  • I also offer a coaching call you help you get to the next level in your career

If you’re a nonprofit using Salesforce

  • Are you looking for help with a Salesforce project? Checkout my Salesforce services
  • If you’re a Canadian nonprofit and are looking for a modern and easy-to-use tax receipting application for your donations, visit Dryad Receipting

If you’re a nonprofit or someone who helps nonprofits

  • Checkout my podcast, Agents of Nonprofit, which is focused on nonprofits and technology
  • It’s designed to inform nonprofits about people and services that can help them

If you’re just browsing